Love Grows 2020-05-28T16:01:07+12:00 Love Grows 2020-05-28T16:01:07+12:00 2020-05-28T16:01:07+12:00 Large Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily) Love Grows

Vendor: Love Grows
Price: 27.00

The Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily) has been scientifically proven to be an efficient absorber of indoor air pollution.

This large grade of Peace Lily has striking, glossy, dark green leaves. This is an easy care long lived plant. 


This grade is in a 14cm pot and reaches nearly 30cm tall. 


Please be aware the purchased plant may vary from the product image

Both cool plant cute plant easy care plant house plant indoor indoor plant plant Zanzibar Zanzibar Gem ZZ plant Default Title 27.00 5000 2020-05-28T10:19:45+12:00 2020-05-28T10:19:45+12:00 Large Zanzibar Gem Love Grows

Vendor: Love Grows
Price: 69.00

The Zanzibar Gem (ZZ)  seems to not be able to work out whether she's a fern, a succulent or, the world's oldest plant, a cycad! But, thankfully, it's taken the best from each and created an excellent candidate for a low maintenance plant. The upright growth, dark-green colouring, distinctive shape and her tolerance of shade make her perfect for any room within your home.

The ZZ can improve the quality of air in an indoor space. But unlike others, she can also improve human health in these spaces, as it's recently been found that she can remove carcinogens, such as Benzene, that are often found in a home.

This grade is in a 20cm pot and large.

(Zamioculcas, Zanzibar Gem)


Please be aware the purchased plant may vary from the product image

Both cool plant cute plant easy care plant house plant indoor indoor plant plant Zanzibar Zanzibar Gem ZZ plant Default Title 69.00 3000 2019-12-17T08:18:31+13:00 2019-12-17T08:18:31+13:00 Monstera Swiss Cheese Vine Love Grows

Vendor: Love Grows
Price: 65.00

The delicate Swiss Cheese Vine has stunning fenestrations and narrow leaves. She will happily trail or hang from a shelf.

She is tropical which means she will enjoy a more humid warm part of your home.

Please be aware the purchased plant may vary from the product image


Plant Care


Bright and indirect light. Any direct sun will burn this plant.


Keeping on top of your watering schedule is important with this one. Important not to overwater and only water when the soil has dried out.

cool plant cute plant golden pothos Hanging hanging plant heartleaf philodendron house plant indoor indoor plant Large Pots philodendron plant pothos sweetheart vine vine Default Title 65.00 3000 2019-11-20T11:57:15+13:00 2019-11-20T11:57:15+13:00 Rhaphidophora Decursiva Love Grows

Vendor: Love Grows
Price: 48.00

This grade is well established with fenestrations formed. Because of their climbing habit they are sold with a very well made moss pole. 


Please be aware the purchased plant may vary from the product image

cool plant cute plant golden pothos Hanging hanging plant heartleaf philodendron house plant indoor indoor plant Large Pots philodendron plant pothos sweetheart vine vine Default Title 48.00 3000 2019-11-12T11:05:37+13:00 2019-11-12T11:05:37+13:00 Monstera “Monkey Mask” Love Grows

Vendor: Love Grows
Price: 65.00

The Monkey Mask is similar to the Swiss Cheese Vine but has larger leaves, with more compact growth at the base, giving it a bushier look. 

Once mature it will have multiple trails. She is tropical which means she will enjoy a more humid warm part of your home

Please be aware the purchased plant may vary from the product image


Plant Care


Bright and indirect light. Any direct sun will burn this plant.


Keeping on top of your watering schedule is important with this one. Important not to overwater and only water when the soil has dried out.

cool plant cute plant golden pothos Hanging hanging plant heartleaf philodendron house plant indoor indoor plant Large Pots philodendron plant pothos sweetheart vine vine Default Title 65.00 3000 2019-08-07T08:42:19+12:00 2019-08-07T08:42:19+12:00 Marble Queen Pothos Love Grows

Vendor: Love Grows
Price: 69.00

The Queen has arrived!!

The marbled green and white heart-shaped locks hang elegantly, able to adapt and enhance almost any environment. Devilishly easy to look after, these vine-like plants can grow to 12 metres up a wall with a little help, or trail down from a bookshelf. 

Plus, it also helps clean the air pollutants

 Note: This grade is VERY white. Nearly snow

Please be aware the purchased plant may vary from the product image


Plant Care


Pothos can handle low light but prefer to be in a bright room. 


Pothos love regular watering during the growing seasons and a lot less in Winter. She won't mind being under watered but over watering needs to be avoided. The soil should never be soggy or wet.

cool plant cute plant golden pothos Hanging hanging plant heartleaf philodendron house plant indoor indoor plant Large Pots philodendron plant pothos sweetheart vine vine Default Title 69.00 3000 2018-10-03T13:32:39+13:00 2018-10-03T13:32:39+13:00 Satin Pothos Love Grows

Vendor: Love Grows
Price: 50.00

Satin Pothos is versatile and low maintenance and holds the prettiest blue-green leaves with extravagant silvery speckles and an almost shimmering surface on her hanging leaves. The Satin Pothos are easy to look after, grow quickly and compactly and, are the perfect hanging plant... plus, they are certified air purifiers!

Pop her on a shelf, or hang up high, and let her cascade down - they add a great layer of texture and fill awkward spaces nicely, plus, watching them grow longer is so satisfying! Perfect in a bathroom with filtered light and humidity,  but will adapt to almost any environment.

This unique climber is a breeze to look after too! 


Please be aware the purchased plant may vary from the product image

cool plant cute plant golden pothos Hanging hanging plant heartleaf philodendron house plant indoor indoor plant philodendron plant pothos Small & Large Pots sweetheart vine vine Default Title 50.00 3000 2018-10-03T13:32:39+13:00 2018-10-03T13:32:39+13:00 Zanzibar Gem Love Grows

Vendor: Love Grows
Price: 42.00

The Zanzibar Gem (ZZ)  seems to not be able to work out whether she's a fern, a succulent or, the world's oldest plant, a cycad! But, thankfully, it's taken the best from each and created an excellent candidate for a low maintenance plant. The upright growth, dark-green colouring, distinctive shape and her tolerance of shade make her perfect for any room within your home.

The ZZ can improve the quality of air in an indoor space. But unlike others, she can also improve human health in these spaces, as it's recently been found that she can remove carcinogens, such as Benzene, that are often found in a home.


(Zamioculcas, Zanzibar Gem)


Please be aware the purchased plant may vary from the product image

Both cool plant cute plant easy care plant house plant indoor indoor plant plant Small & Large Pots Zanzibar Zanzibar Gem ZZ plant Default Title 42.00 3000 2018-10-03T13:32:39+13:00 2018-10-03T13:32:39+13:00 Golden Pothos Love Grows

Vendor: Love Grows
Price: 42.00

Golden Pothos is the perfect houseplant for the forgetful owner. The Pothos is not only beautiful but it will bounce back from almost all neglect.

The marbled green and yellow heart-shaped locks hang elegantly, able to adapt and enhance almost any environment. Devilishly easy to look after, these vine-like plants can grow to 12 metres up a wall with a little help, or trail down from a hanging macramé.

Plus, it also helps clean the air of pollutants!


Please be aware the purchased plant may vary from the product image


Plant Care


Pothos can handle low light but prefer to be in a bright room. 


Pothos love regular watering during the growing seasons and a lot less in Winter. She won't mind being under watered but over watering needs to be avoided. The soil should never be soggy or wet.

cool plant cute plant golden pothos Hanging hanging plant heartleaf philodendron house plant indoor indoor plant Large Pots philodendron plant pothos sweetheart vine vine Default Title 42.00 3000 2018-10-03T13:32:39+13:00 2018-10-03T13:32:39+13:00 Heartleaf Philodendron Love Grows

Vendor: Love Grows
Price: 42.00

If there were ever a plant that's perfect for people who are terrible with plants, it's the Heartleaf Philodendron! The Heartleaf is a beautiful tropical vining plant with dramatic heart-shaped foliage. 

Training your Heartleaf up a wall, or letting it climb your macrame hanger will give the perfect lush, green look to your home

NASA lists a Heartleaf Philodendron as a clean air plant that removes formaldehyde, a chemical found in insulation, floor coverings, cleaning agents, pressed wood, and even paper towels, from the air.



Please be aware the purchased plant may vary from the product image


Plant Care


She will tolerate low light for quite a long time but a well lit room, with no direct sunlight is best. She will let you know if she isn't getting the right amount of light. Too much will cause her leaves to go yellow and too little will result in long stems and small leaves.


Water well and then allow the top 30% of the soil to dry out before watering again. Inserting your finger into the soil is a good way to check the moisture level. The soil should never be soggy or wet.

cool plant cute plant Hanging hanging plant heartleaf philodendron house plant indoor indoor plant philodendron plant pothos sweetheart vine vine Default Title 42.00 3000